Different types of events have been significantly impacted during this period. Event’s industry, as well as restaurants and hotels, have been the most heavily impacted by the global health epidemic. A sector full of resources and great wealth bringing in billions of euros each year. The crisis has affected millions of jobs, as well as very important events for world’s economy.
In some countries, events are gradually resuming, whether in person or via digital technology. Events that now have to respect certain restrictions concerning health and security.
Events represent a real advertisement strategy for brands looking for visibility or improving their image. Increasingly creative in order to bring a unique experience to their clients.
The more original the event is, the more it will be able to differentiate itself from other brands and gain a good reputation for all its players.
The event is therefore a strategy that is absolutely essential for those investing in Communication and if you want to increase your notoriety to attract new customers. They always tell a story, an anecdote. This is how your future prospects, employees, partners will remember you. Every year, this sector evolves, and new types of events are more and more sought-after to allow each guest to live a unique experience!
The current situation has certainly led to a slowdown in the sector.
Despite this, more than ever, we’ve learned the importance of human contact. Indeed, Westuc conducted a study showing that 85% of individuals preferred to attend a physical event rather than a virtual one.
This is why we can ask ourselves how important is the events sector for our companies? Little by little, the market is catching its breath. This is why, in this article we will explain the importance of creating new types of events for your company but above all to maintain a good reputation.
In-house events
The creation of events for the internal parts of a company “Team Building” allows to create a link between employees and therefore a social cohesion. There are different types of events that are possible, such as seminars or company parties. Events that can last the time of a weekend at the ski resort or in the countryside.
But then what is the interest for your company to create in-house events?
“I have always believed that the way you treat your employees is the way they will treat your customers, and that people flourish when they are praised.”
– Sir Richard Branson”
First of all, to thank them. It is important that employees feel valued and recognized for their work within their company. Then, it is important to show that, as the director of your company, you want to please your employees for that you are willing to dedicate some budget for activities, weekends and gatherings from time to time.
Also, be aware that this strengthens the bonds between the employees themselves, and helps to create team cohesion. The more your employees will be united, the more this will be reflected in their work, in their involvement and consequently in their results. Indeed, if your employees don’t get along and can’t communicate or have a team spirit, it will lead to a distortion of the work and your customers will feel it.
#Teamwork – Team Building
During your events you can create challenges, which will motivate your troops! With a prize to be won, your employees will feel more stimulated and sometimes even to feel like in childhood during the activity.
The well being of your employees is very important, that’s why the realization of this kind of event should be one of your top priorities. It will allow you to unite and above all to think about the company value’s, create bonds and to discuss without filter about problems, improvements or company’s good deeds, in a more relaxed atmosphere.
In this way, holding an event will allow you to stimulate and thank them and the little extra: to show a good image to your whole team. Knowing that today everything is constantly shared on social media, it will not only be good for your team but will also impact the reputation of the company.
External events
The event industry was constantly growing before the global epidemics, covid-19 since it is one of the driving sectors of the economy. It is a showcase for all companies, a moment of conviviality, networking but also to show its know-how and challenge itself against competitors. According to the French newspaper l’Echo, Events generated more than 32 billion euros in 2018. A gigantic spin-off from an economic point of view, which really shows the importance of events for your company.
There are all kinds of events: Conferences, open days, trade fairs, fairs etc. It is up to you to decide which event is best suited to your company and, above all, what you want to achieve. Of course, first of all your main thread: is it to promote a new product, to bring your customers together? To thank them for their loyalty? Is it to celebrate your company’s anniversary? There are hundreds of reasons to hold an event but the common point among all of them is: to get more visibility.
#SocialMedia – Sharing
Your event will always bring visibility whether it is through your social networks, by guests talking about it among themselves or to their community and sometimes the press.
Your event must have an objective specific to your company but also respect the values it wishes to convey. For example, avoid plastic cups if your company advocates zero waste or ecologic values. Every detail of your event counts because in the eyes of your customers, they are very important. The more successful your event will be, the more positive spin-offs will be generated and you will gain visibility, notoriety and also ensure the good reputation of your company.
It is therefore important to organize at least every year events for your company having in mind the big stars are your guests and customers. This allows you to keep the link with them, to ensure them will remain loyal. Maintaining contact is one of the first reasons to hold an event, but it can also lead you to meet future clients. Indeed, it is the ideal opportunity for you, to make your own publicity and to put all the chances on your side so that your prospect becomes your customer.
But beware, your event will have to adapt 100% to your audience. To do so, it must be well targeted in order to avoid negative feedback. Hence the importance of identifying the type of customer beforehand and adapting.
2.0 Events
Since the world pandemic, companies in the sector have been forced to reinvent themselves like the entire economy. That’s why we’re seeing more and more online events. A new shape of event that links information and security. Digital has become so important in events. It allows you to take your guests to another dimension, another universe, sometimes without leaving their homes. We are witnessing a development of “webinars”, “confcall”.
Seminars specific to each company, presentations on trends in specific sectors and possible resolutions with the presence of experts in their sectors, online events that allow you to attract customers and, above all, subsequently lead them to face-to-face events. More and more, we are seeing a growth of this type of event in the business world. So it takes time to adapt since this is new for some and can represent a niche.
We know organizing an event is quite an investment, which you have to know how to put forward, but it is above all a new means of communication that affects all your peers. If them see your company is investing, they shall also do so.
Now all you have to do is organize your event! Don’t forget now to adapt your events to the new rules! We give you some advice in our last article: Top 5 best practices for a successful event post COVID